“Flowers for Me”


“Flowers for Me”
16” x 16” (17” x 17” framed)
acrylic and mixed media



“Flowers for Me”
16” x 16” (17” x 17” framed)
acrylic and mixed media

I began this painting last summer during my art retreat in Italy with Jodie King (Highly, highly recommend!)

On one of our day adventures we were taken to a wild flower farm and it was so beautiful! We were invited to pick our own flowers and then we learned how to create a beautiful centerpiece. Back in the painting studio the next evening, I was inspired by the bright colors of the poppies in Jodie’s floral arrangement and started to work. The next day, those poppies were lying all over the table. They still had so much color left in them, but they had fallen from their stems and they were done.

As I stared at them, the petals still bright orange and yellows, I thought they were still so lovely! It kind of made me sad that they would be swept off the table and into the trash.

I asked Jodie if I could have them and she happily handed them to me. Then I began adding the petals and the black poppy seeds into my painting. I wasn’t sure if their original color would fade, but I sealed well before coming home and crossed my fingers.
Well, the answer was “yes!” they did hold their color and wow do those poppies still pop!

My favorite detail about this one is the way you can still the delicate details in the poppy petals.


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